Sneak Peek From Tom Goodlet’s Upcoming Book, Listen Like Jesus (Working Title)


In 2015, a study was revealed that originated out of Cornell University. The study examined the interpersonal traits of 72 executives employed by 31 public and private companies with revenues ranging from $50 million to $5 billion. The purpose of this study was to see if there are any common predictors of success. In other words, is there any kind of character trait or skill that will determine whether you, me, or your co-worker will be successful in our endeavors?

The answer was a resounding “yes.” And the number one predictor of success revealed itself as self-awareness. How well do you know you? The answer to that question determines how successful your future will become. And let’s get real honest. Knowing you is going to be a lifelong education. You are changing, adapting, learning, and evolving. You are a complex being. You are fearfully and wonderfully made. The syllabus on you goes on and on.

So, really the question is “Are you committed to the study of you?” The idea is that the better you get to know and understand you, then the better you can understand others around you. The better you can manage you, the better you can manage others. Another way to look at it is by imagining someone you know who is not self- aware. How often do you like to be trapped in a room with them? I use the word “trapped” because that is how it feels to be around someone who does not realize the effect they have on other people. Now I am not suggesting we should not confidently embrace our strengths. I am suggesting that self-aware people are well aware of their limitations and weaknesses. Humility is not denying your strengths. It is just being honest about your weaknesses.