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Excerpts From the Next Level Leaders Club

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Three Steps to Empowering Your Team So They Thrive When You Are Away

Empowering your team to make decisions without constant oversight is not only important if you want to take your own two-month summer vacation. It is a crucial skill for effective leadership in any organization. Here are three steps to empower your people so you and your team can perform your best.

The Secret to Leaving Your Business for the Summer

In the summer of 2022, I embarked on a two-month road trip with my family, covering 28 states, and visiting some of the most famous sights in the country. Taking two months off from your business might sound like a recipe for disaster. But with the right leadership...

Character Trait to Predict Success

Sneak Peek From Tom Goodlet’s Upcoming Book, Listen Like Jesus (Working Title)   In 2015, a study was revealed that originated out of Cornell University. The study examined the interpersonal traits of 72 executives employed by 31 public and private companies with...

Humility as a Secret Ingredient of Great Leadership

It’s no secret that leadership has often been equated with assertiveness, confidence, and decisiveness. However, one of the most undervalued yet crucial traits of effective leadership is humility. In fact, several recent studies have shown that humility can be a...